I have a Windows system, how can I run libTAS?

If you have Windows 10, the easiest way is to use WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) to run libTAS. Otherwise, you can install a Linux distribution (e.g. Ubuntu) on a virtual machine (e.g. using VirtualBox).

Can I TAS Windows games with libTAS?

Short answer: no, unless it has a Linux release. Long answer: there’s experimental support for run games through Wine. Very few games were tested, and there are a bunch of issues.

Can I TAS Steam games?

If Steam offers a Linux version, possibly yes. Some games from Steam are actually DRM-free, so there are no issues with them. Other games will need you to enable Virtual Steam client setting to work. Games heavily relying on Steam features (such as multiplayer games) won’t work.

My Steam game complains about some missing library

Steam games are often dependent on old libraries from the steam-runtime, which are not available anymore on recent systems. To fix that, it is possible to launch libTAS with the additional libraries from steam-runtime using:

~/.steam/bin/steam-runtime/run.sh libTAS

Why does my game run horribly slow?

Unfortunately, for savestates to work, games must be run entirely on the CPU, without the GPU. It makes games run even more slowly as they contain heavy rendering. If you don’t bother about savestates, you can uncheck Video > Force software rendering. If you do, several options are to lower the game resolution or disable rendering effects ingame. Also, fast-forward skips rendering.

When starting a game, it says “Could not determine arch of file "

Check that you specified the binary file for the game. Linux games often provide a script to launch the game (e.g. AxiomVerge), but the actual binary is another file (e.g. AxiomVerge.bin.x86_64).

I’m getting an error about System.TypeInitializationException

This is a known Mono bug, it can be fixed by launching libTAS like this: term=XTERM libTAS.

I’m getting an error “ERROR: We didn’t find any regular TTF font !”

You need to install a TTF font so that the on-screen display works. If you are using a Debian-based distribution (e.g. Ubuntu), you can execute sudo apt install fonts-liberation.

I’m getting an error when launching libTAS: “libQt5Core.so.5: cannont open shared object file: No such file or directory”

If you are running libTAS in WSL, it probably means that you have the version 1 installed. You can check by running the following command in a Windows terminal: wsl --list --verbose. If it prints 1, then you must upgrade to version 2.